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The ACUSON S3000™ Ultrasound System, HELX™ Evolution with Touch Control was designed with a dedicated focus on General Imaging and Interventional Radiology. It offers new levels of workflow efficiency, imaging performance and sustainability. The system is Siem

  • Condição: Novo
  • Fabricante: SIEMENS
  • Possui Nota fiscal: Não
  • Garantia: Fabricante
  • Dias para postagem: 30 Dias
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Vendedor de São Paulo

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The ACUSON S3000™ Ultrasound System, HELX™ Evolution with Touch Control was designed with a dedicated focus on General Imaging and Interventional Radiology. It offers new levels of workflow efficiency, imaging performance and sustainability. The system is Siemens' premium ultrasound system that offers unique solutions, such as elastography imaging, multi-modality review and contrast-enhanced ultrasound.Ultrasound System – Designed by You.The ACUSON S3000™ Ultrasound System, HELX™ Evolution with Touch Control provides exceptional imaging results. It utilizes advanced technologies and diagnostic tools that expand your clinical capabilities. Sharp, clear images give you the diagnostic confidence you need to make the first diagnosis the right one.Efficient WorkflowIncrease your process efficiency and patient throughput with intuitive workflow innovations offered by the ACUSON S3000 Ultrasound System, HELX Evolution with Touch Control. Powered by an intuitive, user-centric interface, the system promotes streamlined exam flows to improve image quality with less effort. This new usability concept helps to eliminate unnecessary keystrokes and repetitive hand movements providing a whole new level of user performance.44 %fewer soft keys133 %fewer tacticle keys122 %fewer home-base keys1Intuitive Touch Display12.1-inch (30.7 cm) high-resolution display with Instant Response technology allows for precise key selectionsTab folder browsing improves operationSimplified Control PanelFewer keys and a simplified home-base control structure help to optimize exam workflows and reduce training timeLaser-optical trackball promotes sensitivity and accuracy in measurements and helps reduce repetitive stress injuriesDigital and tactile keyboards increase flexibility for different user preferences and workflow situationsWorkflow InnovationsContext-sensitive body markers feature intuitive pictograms, transducer markers and supportive protocolsSmart-swap annotations with color-coded guidance simplify annotations by suggesting logical replacement text specific to the exam being performedDirectly access and control eSieScan™ workflow protocols through the touch display Imaging PerformanceACUSON S3000 Ultrasound System, HELX Evolution with Touch Control provides exceptional imaging results. Utilizing advanced technologies and diagnostic tools that expand your clinical capabilities, they deliver sharp, clear images so that you can make the first diagnosis the right one. The unique signal processing algorithm of the SieStream™ HD architecture works to produce the highest signal fidelity. It optimizes signal integration between transducer and display by doubling the standard pixel density. The result: beautiful images that provide you with the highest diagnostic confidence.eSieFusion™ imaging of liver with color DopplerExpand Clinical Insights with Multi-modality Imaging3D topography of CT and MR combined with real-time ultrasoundUnparalleled depth of clinical and spatial information for interventional procedures and complex ultrasound analysisSmart initialization and auto-alignment to help reduce examination time and effort eSieFusion imaging and eSieGuide needle tracking of radio-frequency ablation of liver metastasisReduce Risk Associated with Biopsies and Ablation ProcedureseSieGuide needle tracking allows clear needle visualization3D markers help align lesion to needle orientationReduce potential expenditures from complications VTIQ of liver mass measured with syngo® eSieCalcs™ native tracing softwareEvaluate Tissue Stiffness with Shear Wave ElastographyBased on Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse (ARFI) imaging, Siemens’ unique Virtual Touch™ technologies provide a new dimension of ultrasound informationQualitative imaging or quantitative shear wave tissue measurements across multiple transducers and study typesFocal nodular hyperplasia with CHI2Experience In-depth Anatomy Visualization with Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound2 (CEUS)Designed for visualization of lesions in organs based upon vascularity and microbubble visualizationCadence™ Contrast Harmonic Imaging2 (CHI) for the visualization of stunning detailCadence™ Contrast Pulse Sequencing2 (CPS) for penetrating claritySustainabilityThe ACUSON S3000 Ultrasound System, HELX Evolution with Touch Control is designed to adapt to your standard of care. From usability to technical compliance standards, Siemens has worked to ensure that the system you invest in today will be up-to-date and ready to integrate the most advanced technologies for years to come. This allows you to manage your costs without compromising your quality of care.Access to General Imaging Technology and Basic Packages, includingAdvanced SieClear™ spatial compoundingClarify™ vascular enhancement (VE) technologySieScape™ panoramic imagingeSieImage™ multiparametric optimizationMulti-modality ReviewData transfer to Nuance® Powerscribe 360Wireless DICOM reporting (optional) Comprehensive Service PackagesSiemens Performance Plans for optimal system performanceASCEND3 Upgrades for maximum investment protectionUltrasound Evolve3 Software Updates to enhance productivitySiemens Remote Service™ for fast diagnosis and software deliveryUltrasound System Security to deliver confidence and complianceMicrosoft® Windows® 7 IntegrationImproved network security and system stabilityEnhanced compatibility with electronic medical systemsScalable for the future

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